• ven. 25 mars 2016

  • 11:43

Évènement terminé




26.4 €

Première partie




Battles are the Networked Band, or perhaps the-band-as-network. An island chain linked by a unique combination of artistry, experimentation, technology and singular focus. A band that holds computerized loops in their brains, leaves sweat on their machines and whose sonic heartbeat is almost brutally human.

Dave Konopka, Ian Williams and John Stanier have turned the tables on themselves this time, confronted their own ideas of what Battles is – and here on their third album (out September 18), have willed an answer to that question into existence. As the name might imply, La Di Da Di is a mushrooming monolith of repetition. Here is an organic techno thrum of nearly infinite loops that refuse to remain consistent. The rhythmic genus of Battles is here as ever; full frontal, heightened and unforgiving – the gauntlet through which melody and harmony must pass, assailed at every turn.

 ASSIS / DEBOUT (place assise non garantie)


Trop d’esprits malins ont tenté de définir le style de Battles. Sauf que ce trio, formé d’anciens membres de Helmet, de Lynx et de Don Caballero ne se classe pas, il se vit. Leur manière de mélanger rock mathématique, rythmiques complexes et tribales et voix extra-terrestres est inqualifiable, et c’est tant mieux. Seule manière de comprendre l’équation Battles : perdre pied, physiquement et mentalement, pendant l’un de leurs concerts habités. L’occasion est trop belle, donc.

Première Partie : Totorro